What is Family Day Care?
Family Day Care is where a child is cared for in an Educators home.
What is In-Venue Care?
In-Venue Care is where a child is cared for by an Educator at a site that is not their home. For example, children may be cared for after school at the school by an Educator.
What is In-Home Care?
In-Home Care is where the Carer comes to the families home to care for the children.
Why should I choose Country Children’s Early Learning?
Country Children’s Early Learning offers flexible care in small group settings for Family Day Care, In-Venue Care and In-Home Care. Your child will be cared for in a warm and friendly environment, providing your child with more personal attention.
Country Children’s Early Learning’s Care Schemes can be more affordable than many Child Care Centres.
In addition, Country Children’s Early Learning:
- Supports and guides Educators on programming and appropriate routines for young children
- Provides regular feedback on your child’s placement
- Ensures Educators provide a safe environment for the children in their care
- Provides regular Parent/Educator newsletters
- Organises Parent/Educator information and training nights
Is Family Day Care, In-Venue Care and In-Home Care regulated?
Yes, Family Day Care and In-Venue Care are regulated by the Education and Care Services National Regulations, 2011 and the Australian Children’s Education and Care Authority’s (ACEQA) National Quality Framework. In-Home Care is currently regulated by the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR).
How will I know about the quality of the Family Day Care and In-Home Care Scheme or Educator?
Quality is maintained by the Educators themselves and the Co-ordination Unit Staff that visit and inspect the Educators on a regular basis. Before commencing Educators are offered a comprehensive Induction Training Program. After commencement regular training is provided for Educators to ensure they keep up-to-date with information relevant to the Care and Education of children.
The Australian Children’s Education and Care Authority (ACEQA) implements the National Quality Framework to ensure that all Educators and Schemes are meeting the required standards.
What is a Co-ordination Unit or Scheme?
A Scheme consists of the Educators who provide the primary care for children. The Co-ordination Unit is where the service is managed and administered.
What is the role of the Co-ordination Unit?
The Co-ordination Unit manages and administers the Scheme. They recruit, select, train, support and monitor Educators. They organise the family requests for care and monitor the children’s wellbeing whilst in care. Country Children’s Early Learning provides families and Educators with access to resources, advice and links to other services that may assist with the Education, Care and Development of children.
How do I know the care environment is safe?
- Prior to commencing care all Educators undergo a home safety check to ensure that their home meets safety
- standards
- Ongoing safety checks are carried out during regular home visits by the Co-ordination Unit Staff
- Educators are supported by the Co-ordination Unit in providing a safe environment
How do we select our Educators?
All Educators with Country Children’s Early Learning undergo a recruitment and registration process. The recruitment process ascertains whether the applicant is suitable for the position of an Educator, and the registration process prepares the Educator to work with families and care for children within the Education and Care Services National Regulations, the National Quality Framework and our service Policies and Procedures.
- Undergo a Working with Children Check and a Police Check
- Are required to hold a Senior First Aid Certificate
- Must have, or be studying the Certificate III in Children’s Services
- Are required to attend a minimum of 4 relevant training session per year
- Must ensure that anyone living in the home with them over 18 years of age completes a “Live with a Carer Working with Children Check”
Who checks on the Educators and the children in care?
Qualified Early Childhood Staff work specifically in the field to monitor Educators and the children in their care.
The Co-ordination Unit Staff visit the Educators’ homes and venues to:
- Ensure care is provided to the required standards
- Observe children
- Provide developmental and behavioural suggestions
- Support the Educators
As well a planned visits, Country Children’s Early Learning also makes regular spot visits to Educators homes and venues.
What kind of activities will my child be offered?
Educators are required to plan a program of activities for the children in their care and keep it available where parents can view it. Programs are play based and developed with the children’s interest and needs in mind, often in consultation with the parents.
Activities can range from:
- Art and Craft
- Construction
- Home Corner Play
- Books
- Puzzles
- Outdoor Play
- Outings to visit a local park, the library, nature walks
How will I know if the Educator is the right person for my child?
Country Children’s Early Learning will provide you with details of all Educators who meet your requirements for care. When you meet the Educators it is important for you to ask questions to ensure that your child will receive the type of care that your are looking for. You need to outline any issues that are important to you in the care of your child.
Country Children’s Early Learning can assist you with the type of questions that you should ask the Educator.
How much will it cost?
The Educators that work with Country Children’s Early Learning are independent fee setters, in that they set their own fees. Fees for a standard hour of care will be in the average range of $8 – $11 per hour. Included in the Educators fee structure is an administration fee of $1.00 per hour which covers the support and adminstration services offered to the Educators from Country Children’s Early Learning.
How can I reduce the cost of my Childcare Fees?
Country Children’s Early Learning is a recognised Child Care Service that provides ‘approved’ care. Parents may be eligible for Child Care Subsidy (CCS) which is funded by the Federal Government.
The decision on eligibility for CCS rests with the Family Assistance Office. Parents should consult the Family Assistance Office (www.familyassist.gov.au) for details of their specific entitlements for CCS.
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Early Learning
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Binalong, Bungendore, Michelago and Yass